Prof. Dr. Oktay Tutarel
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research of Prof. Tutarel (*1976) focusses on adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD). His research is including studies aimed at identifying novel biomarkers in ACHD patients to enhance the understanding of the disease mechanism, enabling earlier diagnosis and developing better treatment as well as clinical studies with multicentre and multinational collaborations.
Prof. Tutarel studied Medicine at the Hannover Medical School in Hannover/Germany, where he also completed his residency in Internal Medicine and Cardiology. After a Fellowship at the Adult Congenital Heart Centre and National Centre for Pulmonary Hypertension of the Royal Brompton Hospital in London/UK supported by a grant from the European Society of Cardiology, he received his Habilitation degree from the Hannover Medical School in 2014. He became a Senior Consultant at the German Heart Centre Munich in 2016, and was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the TUM in July 2019.
- Ernst-Eickhoff-Award for Cardiology (2013)
- Training Grant of the European Society of Cardiology (2011)
Key Publications
Bauer UMM, Körten M, Diller GP, Helm P, Baumgartner H, Ewert P, Tutarel O: “Cardiovascular risk factors in adults with congenital heart defects - Recognised but not treated? An analysis of the German National Register for Congenital Heart Defects”. International Journal of Cardiology. 2019; 277: 79-84.
AbstractTutarel O, Alonso-Gonzalez R, Montanaro C, Schiff R, Uribarri A, Kempny A, Grübler MR, Uebing A, Swan L, Diller GP, Dimopoulos K, Gatzoulis MA: “Infective endocarditis in adults with congenital heart disease remains a lethal disease”. Heart. 2018; 104(2): 161-165.
AbstractEngelings CC, Helm PC, Abdul-Khaliq H, Asfour B, Bauer UMM, Baumgartner H, Kececioglu D, Körten MA, Diller GP, Tutarel O: “Cause of death in adults with congenital heart disease - An analysis of the German National Register for Congenital Heart Defects”. International Journal of Cardiology. 2016; 211: 31-36.
AbstractTutarel O, Kempny A, Alonso-Gonzalez R, Jabbour R, Li W, Uebing A, Dimopoulos K, Swan L, Gatzoulis MA, Diller GP: “Congenital heart disease beyond the age of 60: emergence of a new population with high resource utilization, high morbidity, and high mortality”. European Heart Journal. 2014; 35(11): 725-732.
AbstractTutarel O, Dangwal S, Bretthauer J, Westhoff-Bleck M, Roentgen P, Anker SD, Bauersachs J, Thum T: “Circulating miR-423_5p fails as a biomarker for systemic ventricular function in adults after atrial repair for transposition of the great arteries”. International Journal of Cardiology. 2013; 167(1): 63-66.
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