Prof. Dr. Jan-Willem G. van de Kuilen
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. van de Kuilen’s (b. 1965) research areas are wood mechanics and timber for the construction industry. He also explores the durability of structural timber and timber joints under various climatic conditions, such as dampness and temperature.
After studying civil engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, Prof. Van de Kuilen became a research assistant at the Netherlands Institute for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). His research area was the use of timber in the construction industry. He worked on his doctorate part-time at TU Delft, with a thesis on the durability of timber joints. From 2000, he conducted research into timber structures and wood technology at TU Delft. From 2003 to 2007, he worked at the Trees and Timber Institute CNR-Ivalsa in Italy. Since 2009, he has been Chair of Wood Technology at TUM. He has held the position of part-time professor of timber structures and wood technology at TU Delft since 2010.
Key Publications
J.W.G. van de Kuilen, A.M.P.G. Dias:”long-term load-deformation behaviour of timber-concrete joints”. Structures and Buildings. 2011; Volume 164 Issue SB2 pp. 143-154.
AbstractCeccotti A, van de Kuilen JWG: “Conference proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering”. 2010 Riva del Garda, Italy.
AbstractDias APMG, van de Kuilen JWG, Cruz HMP, Lopes SMR: “Numerical modeling of the load-deformation behavior of doweled softwood and hardwood joints”. Wood and Fiber Science. 2010; 42(4): 480-498.
AbstractVan de Kuilen JWG: “Service life modelling of timber structures”. Materials and Structures. 2007; 40: 151-161.
AbstractVan de Kuilen JWG: “Timber - Hazards, specification and service life performance”. ICE- Manual of Construction Materials. 2009; 2: 761-771.
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