Prof. Dr. Gabriele Weber-Blaschke

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Weber-Blaschke researches on the field of material flow management of renewable resources. The focus lies on the modelling, analysis, assessment and strategy development of the sustainable provision and utilization of wood and wood products. Thereby, methods of material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, scenario technique and sustainability assessment are combined and further developed to determine even consequences by substitution and displacement and not-intended effects e.g. in the framework of bio-economy and circular economy.

Gabriele Weber-Blaschke studied Forest Science at the LMU Munich and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). After three and a half years in the forestry practice, she returned to LMU and made her PhD at the Faculty of Forest Science in 1998. She switched to TUM and made her habilitation in the field of resource management at the Department of Civil Engineering in 2005. Since 2010, she is head of the research group Resource Flow Management at the Wood Research Munich of the TUM, since 2013 as Adjunct Professor.


  • PhD Award of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) (1999)
  • Pfeil Europe study travelling scholarship of the Alfred Toepfer foundation F.V.S. Hamburg (1996)

Weber-Blaschke, G.; Muys, B.: “Bioeconomy – potentials for innovation and sustainability regarding wood utilisation and forest management”. Krumm, F.; Schuck, A.; Rigling, A. (eds): How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – A view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf. 2020; 88-107. ISBN: 978-3-905621-62-4; doi: 10.16904/envidat.196.


Höglmeier, K.; Steubing, B.; Weber-Blaschke, G.; Richter, K.: “LCA-based optimization of wood utilization in southeast Germany under special consideration of a cascading use of wood”. Journal of Environmental Management. 2015;  152: 158-170.


Wilnhammer, M.; Lubenau, C.; Wittkopf, S.; Richter, K.; Weber-Blaschke, G.: “Effects of increased wood energy consumption on global warming potential, primary energy demand and particulate matter emissions on regional level based on the case study area Bavaria (Southeast Germany)”. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2015; 81: 190-201.


Klein, D.; Wolf, C.; Schulz, C.; Weber-Blaschke, G.: “20 years of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the Forestry Sector: State of the Art and a Methodical Proposal for the LCA of Forest Product Chains”. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2015; 20(4): 556–575.


Weber-Blaschke, G.; Mosandl, R.; Faulstich, M.: “History and Mandate of Sustainability. From Local Forestry to Global Policy”. Wilderer, P.A.; Schroeder, E.D.; Kopp, H. (Eds.): Global Sustainability. The Impact of Local Cultures. A New Perspective for Science and Engineering, Economics and Politics. Wiley Publishers. 2004; 5-19. ISBN: 9783527312368.


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