Prof. Dirk Weuster-Botz

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Weuster-Botz (b. 1959) conducts research and education in the technical aspects of biochemical reaction applications for industrial biotechnology. His research focuses on new (digitalized) bioreactor systems and biocatalytic processes, as well as the efficient utilization of microorganisms as cell factories, particularly for the biological production of substances from carbon dioxide.

After studying chemical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, Professor Weuster-Botz received a doctorate from the Research Center in Jülich and became a professor at RWTH, the Technical University in Aachen. He became a full professor of biochemical engineering at TUM. Professor Weuster-Botz publishes the journal "Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering", is elected member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), has published more than 250 scientific papers, is the inventor of numerous patents and serves on numerous advisory boards.


  • Elected member of the acatech National Academy of Science and Engineering (2015)

Praetorius F, Kick B, Behler KL, Honemann MN, Weuster-Botz D, Dietz H: "Biotechnological mass production of DNA origami". Nature. 2017; 552: 84-87.


Apel AC, Pfaffinger CE, Basedahl N, Mittwollen N, Göbel J, Sauter J, Brück T, Weuster-Botz D: “Open thin-layer cascade reactors for saline microalgae production evaluated in a physically simulated Mediterranean summer climate”. Algal Research. 2017; 25: 381–390.


Kantzow C, Mayer A, Weuster-Botz D: "Continuous gas fermentation by Acetobacterium woodii in a submerged membrane reactor with full cell retention". J Biotechnol. 2015; 212: 11-18.


Hölsch K, Sührer I, Heusel M, Weuster-Botz D: "Engineering of formate dehydrogenase: Synergistic effect of mutations affecting cofactor specificity and chemical stability". Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013; 97: 2473-2481.


Puskeiler R, Kaufmann K, Weuster-Botz D (2005): Development, parallelization and automation of a gas-inducing milliliter-scale bioreactor for high-throughput bioprocess design (HTBD). Biotechnol Bioeng. 2005; 89: 512-523.


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