Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter

Academic Career and Research Areas

The research interests of Prof. Winter (b. 1959) include timber construction, fire safety in timber buildings, multi-story timber structures, energy-efficient timber construction and building modernization with prefabricated components, adhesives for load-bearing timber structures, life cycle analyses and life cycle assessments.

Prof. Winter studied civil engineering at TUM and TU Darmstadt (1982-1987). After that, he was a research fellow at TU Darmstadt’s Institute for Steel Construction, Statics and Materials Mechanics and its Institute for Solid Construction. He did his doctorate in composite steel and concrete structures in 1997 with a thesis on the component behavior of high-tensile steel composite column profiles at normal temperature and in the event of a fire. In 2000, he was appointed professor of steel and timber construction at the University of Leipzig. Since 2003, Prof. Winter has been full professor at the Chair of Timber Construction and Structural Design at TUM. From 2009 to 2012, he will be working at the Aalto University in Helsinki as part of the Finnish Distinguished Professorship program.


Heikkinen P, Kaufmann H, Winter S, Larsen KE: TES Energy facade - TES manual. München, 2011.


Östman B, Mikkola E, Stein R, Frangi A, König J, Dhima D, Hakkarainen T, Bergulla J, Winter S: Fire Safety in Timber Buildings - Technical Guideline for Europe. 2010.


Scheer C, Peter M, Winter S Holz Brandschutz Handbuch. Berlin: Verlag Ernst & Sohn, 2009.


Hubweber C, Schmidt D, Schopbach H, Wagner G, Winter S, Zeitter H: Informationsdienst Holz – Holzrahmenbau. Berlin, 2009.


Winter S: Grundlagen des Brandschutz. Informationsdienst Holz. Holzbau Handbuch. Düsseldorf: Arge Holz e.V., 1996.

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