Prof. Dr. Hartwig Anzt
Academic Career and Research Areas
Hartwig Anzt (*1984) researches on developing and optimizing computational algorithms for scientific high-performance computing. In particular, he focuses on computational linear algebra, iterative and asynchronous methods, Krylov solvers, and preconditioning. The algorithm research is complemented with efforts aiming at sustainable software development in an academic setting, and a healthy software lifecycle. He is the managing lead of the Ginkgo open source math software that is used for scientific high-performance computing applications.
After studying mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hartwig Anzt received his doctorate in 2012 on the topic of asynchronous mixed-precision algorithms on GPU architecture. After a postdoc at the University of Tennessee, Hartwig Anzt led a Helmholtz junior research group at KIT. In 2022 he received an appointment as a professor at the University of Tennessee and became director of the Innovative Computing Lab (ICL). Hartwig Anzt has been Chair of Computational Mathematics at TU Munich since 2024.
Key Publications (all publications)
Kashi A, Nayak P, Kulkarni D, Scheinberg A, Lin P, Anzt H: "Integrating batched sparse iterative solvers for the collision operator in fusion plasma simulations on GPUs". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Volume 178. 2023. Pages 69 - 81.
AbstractAnzt H, Cojean T, Flegar G, Göbel G, Grützmacher T, Nayak P, Ribizel T, Tsai YM, Quintana-Ortí ES: "Ginkgo: A Modern Linear Operator Algebra Framework for High Performance Computing". ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS). Volume 48 (1). 2022. Pages 1 - 33.
AbstractCojean T, Tsai YM, Anzt H: "Ginkgo—A math library designed for platform portability". Parallel Computing. Volume 111. 2022.
AbstractFlegar G, Cojean T, Anzt H, Quintana-Ortí ES: "Adaptive precision block-Jacobi for high performance preconditioning in the Ginkgo linear algebra software". ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS). Volume 47 (2). 2021. Pages 1 - 28.
AbstractAnzt H, Chow E, Dongarra J: "ParILUT- a new parallel threshold ILU factorization". SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. Volume 40 (4). 2018. Pages C503 - C519.
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