Prof. Dr. Pascal O. Berberat


Medical Education

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Pascal Berberat (*1971) is active in two research areas. In the field of instruction and teacher research his focus lies on a better understanding of teaching and learning processes in order to optimize evidence based didactic methods and to systematically analyze the attitude, motivation and behavior of medical doctors as lecturers and tutors. His second research area concentrates on medical educational biographies with the main focus on so called ‘non-rational’ dimensions, such as handling existential borderline experiences (suffering, dying and death) und tolerating uncertainty in daily clinical practice.

Pascal Berberat studied medicine in Bern (Switzerland) und Los Angeles (USA) and completed his training as a general surgeon in Bern, Boston (USA) and Heidelberg (Germany). He acquired his postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) in 2007 in Heidelberg before taking up the position of consultant surgeon at Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich (TUM). He has subsequently obtained a master’s degree in Medical Education (Heidelberg) and heads the TUM School of Medicine´s Medical Education Center since 2010. In 2015 Berberat was appointed to TUM’s newly established Chair for Medical Education. From 2017 - 2023 he served as Dean of Studies at TUM School of Medicine and was elected as Vice Dean Academic and Student Affairs of the newly founded TUM School of Medicine and Health in October 2023, where he is also the Academic Program Director, Medicine (since November 2023). At the TUM Extended Board of Management Prof. Berberat serves as Chair to the Deans of Studies since 2017.


  • Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (2017)

Blaschke, A.-L., Rubisch, H. P. K., Schindler, A.-K., Berberat, P. O., & Gartmeier, M. (2022). How is modern bedside teaching structured? A video analysis of learning content, social and spatial structures. BMC Medical Education, 22(790).


Gartmeier, M., Hapfelmeier, A., Grünewald, M., Häusler, J., Pfurtscheller, T., Seidel, T., & Berberat, P. O. (2022). Is there an Increase Over Time in the Complexity of Teacher Questions and Student Responses in Case-Based Clinical Seminars? A Cross-Sectional Video Study. BMC Medical Education, 22(871).


Schick, K., Gartmeier, M., & Berberat, P. O. (2021). Senior medical student attitudes towards patient communication and their development across the clinical elective year – A Q-methodology study. Frontline Learning Research, 9(1), 1-29.


Heininger, S. K., Baumgartner, M., Zehner, F., Burgkart, R., Söllner, N., Berberat, P. O., & Gartmeier, M. (2021). Measuring hygiene competence: the picture-based situational judgement test HygiKo. BMC Medical Education, 21(410).


Jedlicska, N., Srnová, D., Scheide, L., Wijnen-Meijer, M., Gartmeier, M., & Berberat, P. O. (2019). Medical Trainees' Experiences With Dying and Death. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying.


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