Prof. Dr. Stefan Filipp
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Filipp studierte Physik an der Univsität Uppsala und der TU Wien, wo er 2006 seine Promotion zu geometrischen Phasen abschloss. Er forschte als Postdoc an der ETH Zürich an experimenteller Quanteninformationsverarbeitung mit supraleitenden Schaltkreisen bevor er ab 2014 als Wissenschaftler bei IBM Research, USA, Quantenprozessoren entwickelte. Später wechselte er ans Forschungslabor der IBM in Zürich, wo er ab 2018 das Quantencomputing-Team leitete. Seit Mai 2020 ist Prof. Filipp an der TU München und Direktor am Walther-Meißner-Institut.
Prof. Filipp studied physics at the University Uppsala and the Vienna University of Technology, where he completed his PhD on geometric phases in 2006. He continued his research at ETH Zurich on experimental quantum information processing with superconducting circuits before joining IBM Research, U.S., in 2014 to develop quantum processors. He then moved to the IBM Research Laboratory in Zurich, where he led the quantum computing team from 2018. Since May 2020, Stefan Filipp is professor at TUM and director at the Walther Meissner Institute.
- Outstanding Technology Achievement Award, IBM Research (2020)
- Innovation Achievement Award, IBM Research (2018)
- Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellowship of the Austrian Science Foundation (2009)
- Viktor Hess - Award of the Austrian Physical Society (2007)
Key Publications (all publications)
Ganzhorn M, Egger D J, Barkoutsos P K, Ollitrault P, Salis G, Moll N, Fuhrer A, Müller P, Wörner S, Tavernelli I, Filipp S: "Gate-efficient simulation of molecular eigenstates on a quantum computer". Phys. Rev. Applied. 2019; 11:044092.
AbstractMoll N, Barkoutsos P, Bishop L, Chow J, Cross A, Egger D J, Filipp S, Fuhrer A, Gambetta J, Ganzhorn M, Kandala A, Mezzacapo A, Müller P, Riess W, Salis G, Smolin J, Tavernelli I, Temme K: "Quantum optimization using variational algorithms on near-term quantum devices". Quantum Sci. and Techn. 2018; 3:030503.
AbstractMcKay D, Filipp S, Mezzacapo A, Magesan E, Chow J, Gambetta J: "A universal gate for fixed-frequency qubits via a tunable bus". Phys. Rev. Applied. 2016; 6:064007.
AbstractAbdumalikov A A, Fink J M, Juliusson K, Pechal M, Berger S, Wallraff A, Filipp S: "Experimental Realization of Non-Abelian Non-Adiabatic Geometric Gates". Nature. 2013; 496:482-485.
AbstractFilipp S, Maurer P, Leek P, Baur M, Bianchetti R, Fink J M, Göppl M, Steffen L, Gambetta J M, Blais A, Wallraff A: "Two-Qubit State Tomography using a Joint Dispersive Read Out". Phys. Rev. Letters. 2009; 102:200402.
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