Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Freudenstein

Academic Career and Research Areas

The main focus of Prof. Freudenstein’s (b. 1969) research is the structural design of road and rail superstructure systems and aviation surfaces.

After studying civil engineering at TUM (1995) and working at Heilit + Woerner Bau AG, Prof. Freudenstein became a research associate at TUM’s Chair of Traffic Route Construction in 1997. In 2002, he joined Pfleiderer Infrastrukturtechnik GmbH, now known as RAILONE GmbH, in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz. While there, he headed up the technology and development department. He was responsible for prestressed concrete sleepers and the technical side of various slab track projects in Germany and farther afield. Since 2008, Prof. Freudenstein has been a full professor at the Chair of Traffic Route Construction at TUM and director of the test institute of the same name in Pasing, Munich.


FGSV Transport Construction Award (2001)

Freudenstein S, Haban F: "Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen an Spannbetonschwellen". ETR Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau. 2018; (5): 47-51.


Freudenstein S, Geisler K, Mölter T, Mißler M, Stolz C: "Feste Fahrbahn in Betonbauweise". In: Betonkalender 2015. Berlin: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG, 2015: Kapitel X.


Freudenstein S: "Beanspruchungskonforme Dimensionierung von Betonfahrbahnen". Straße und Autobahn. 2014; 65(6): 437-440.


Liu J, Freudenstein S: "Investigations on ballastless tracks in tunnel without reinforcement". Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering. 2014; 13(1): 35-40.


Freudenstein S, Iliev D, Stahl W: "Finite-Elemente-Methode zur Untersuchung der Gleislagestabilität". Der Eisenbahningenieur. 2013; (11): 41-47.


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