Prof. Dr. Sebastian Goerg
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Goerg (b. 1980) is a behavioral and experimental economist. He investigates how incentives, information, and (legal) institutions influence actual human behavior. Together with co-authors from the social and natural sciences, he pursues an interdisciplinary research agenda.
Professor Goerg studied economics at the University of Bonn, where he also obtained his PhD under the supervision of Nobel Laureate Professor Reinhard Selten. From 2009 to 2012, he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods. After research stays at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Michigan, he joined Florida State University as an Assistant Professor in 2012 and was granted tenure there in 2018. In 2018, Professor Goerg joined TUM as an Associate Professor. He holds the Chair of Economics at TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability. Professor Goerg is also a Research Fellow at the IZA – Institute of Labor Economics, and a Research Affiliate at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.
- Nominated for the University Teaching Award at Florida State University (2015)
- Heinz Sauermann Prize, awarded by the GfEW for the best dissertation in Experimental Economics (2010)
- Scholarship for the Lindau Meeting of Noble Laureates in Economic Sciences (2008)
Key Publications
Goerg SJ, Kube S, Radbruch J: "The effectiveness of incentive schemes in the presence of implicit effort costs". Management Science. 2019.
AbstractChmura T, Goerg SJ, Weiss R: "Natural Groups and Economic Characteristics as Driving Forces of Wage Discrimination". European Economic Review. 2016; 90: 178–200.
AbstractFischer I, Frid A, Goerg SJ, Levin S, Rubenstein D, Selten R: "Fusing Enacted and Expected Mimicry Generates a Winning Strategy that Promotes the Evolution of Cooperation". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2013; 110(25): 10229–10233.
AbstractChmura T, Goerg SJ, Selten R:"Learning in experimental 2x2 games". Games and Economic Behavior. 2012; 76(1): 44–73.
AbstractGoerg SJ, Kube S, Zultan R: "Treating Equals Unequally - Incentives, Motivation and Production Technology in Teams". Journal of Labor Economics. 2010; 28: 747–72.
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