Prof. Dr. Volker Gümmer
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Gümmer’s research interests encompass the aerodynamic optimization of compressors and turbines, the development of technology for future propulsion systems, innovation in design concepts for gas turbine components and systems, and concepts of novel heat exchange architectures for small and large gas turbines.
Professor Gümmer received the diploma degree at the TU Braunschweig in 1991, after which he became a development engineer at BMW Rolls-Royce, just founded at that time and adopted into the Rolls-Royce corporation in 2000. During this time he has actively driven research in the field of turbomachinery and in 1999 completed his doctorate degree at the TU Munich on the subject of sweep and dihedral in axial compressor aerofoils. Professor Gümmer was, inter alia, involved in the development of the aero engines V2500 Select, BR725 and TP400 brought to the international aviation market. Professor Gümmer held a range of technical management positions at Rolls-Royce Germany, the most recent being “Chief of CFD Methods and Aerothermal Technology” and “Associate Fellow for Compression Systems”. In 2016 he was appointed to the Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion at TUM.
Key Publications
Guinet C, Streit A, Kau HP, Gümmer V: ”Tip Gap Variation on a Transonic Rotor in the Presence of Tip Blowing”. 59th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aero Engine Technical Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany. June 16-20, 2014: Paper GT2014-25042.
AbstractSchrapp H, Gümmer V: ”Tip Blowing for Stability Enhancement of a Fixed Geometry High speed Compressor”. 9 th European Turbomachinery Conference, March 21-25, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
AbstractClemen C, Gümmer V, Nerger D, Saathoff H: ”Investigation of Different Endwall Part-Clearance Configurations on a Low-Speed Compressor Cascade”. 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, March 5-9, 2007, Athens, Greece.
AbstractGümmer V, Goller M, Swoboda M: ”Numerical Investigations of Endwall Boundary Layer Removal on Highly-Loaded Axial Compressor Blade Rows". 50th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aero Engine Technical Congress. Reno, Nevada, USA. June 6-9, 2005: Paper GT2005-68699.
AbstractGümmer V, Wenger U, Kau HP: ”Using Sweep and Dihedral to Control Three-Dimensional Flow in Transonic Stators of Axial Compressors”. 45th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aero Engine Technical Congress. Munich Germany. June 6-9, 2000: ASME Paper.
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