Prof. Dr. Anna Keune
Academic Career and Research Areas
Anna Keune’s research stands at the intersection of learning sciences and design scholarship. She investigates design technologies and materials used for school and out-of-school learning with the aim to advance the understanding of gendered materiality of STEM learning and the design of educational technologies that support all learners. Guided by constructionist and posthumanist theoretical commitments as well as participatory approaches to design, Anna’s research focuses on the empirical study of how materials can foster STEM learning, transform what counts as STEM participation, and widen who participates.
Anna Keune received postdoctoral training at the University of California, Irvine, and the Ruhr-University Bochum with a focus on STEM equity and adaptive educational technologies. Prior to this, Anna graduated with a PhD in Learning Sciences from Indiana University in 2020. Her dissertation on fiber crafts as a context for computer science education won the prestigious Indiana University Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award. Anna Keune also studied New Media Art and Design at Aalto University and was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology.
- ASEE Pre-College Engineering Education (PCEE) Division’s Best Paper Award (2021)
- University Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award 2020, University Graduate School, Indiana University Bloomington (2020)
- Best Student Paper Award, AERA SIG Advanced Technologies for Learning & Learning Sciences (ALT/LS) (2020)
- Robert F. Tinker Scholarship, Concord Consortium and the AERA SIG Advanced Technologies for Learning & Learning Sciences (ALT/LS) (2020)
Key Publications (all publications)
Keune, A. (2022). Material syntonicity: Examining computational performance and its materiality through weaving and sewing crafts. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 31(4-5), 477-508.
AbstractPeppler, K., Keune, A., Thompson, N., & Saxena, P. (2022). Craftland is Mathland: Mathematical insight and the generative role of fiber crafts in Maker Education. Frontiers in Education, 7, 1-26.
AbstractKeune, A., Peppler, K. and Dahn, M. (2022). Connected portfolios: open assessment practices for maker communities. Information and Learning Sciences, 123(7/8), 462-481.
Abstract*Hurtado., S., Leionen, T., & Keune, A. (2022). Theorizing the Personally Meaningful: Sound-Making to Foster Engineering Practices with artifacts from home. Sustainability, 15(20), 14962.
AbstractPeppler, K., Keune, A., Dahn, M., Bennet, D., Letourneau, S. M. (2021). Designing for others: The roles of narrative and empathy in supporting girls’ engineering engagement. Information and Learning Sciences, 123(3), 129-153.
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