Prof. Dr. Jörg Königstorfer

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Königstorfer’s (b. 1978) research group analyzes companies operating in sports and health care markets. A key area of the group’s research is consumer behavior, focusing on brands in the sports and health care markets and consumers’ relationships to them, as well as on identifying factors that promote healthy lifestyles.

Professor Königstorfer studied sport management at the University of Bayreuth and the University of California, Davis. He received his PhD from Saarland University in 2008. He has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Saarland University and at the Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University. Since 2012 he has been a full professor at the Department of Sport and Health Sciences at TUM. He is a member of the German-speaking Association for Sport Management, the European Association for Sport Management, the European Marketing Academy and the Association for Consumer Research.


  • Eduard Martin Award (2009)
  • Young Researcher Award, European Association for Sport Management Conference (2008)

Uhrich S, Grohs R, Koenigstorfer J: „Customer-to-customer interactions in the sport fan context: typology, framework (C2CIF) and directions for future research“. Journal of Service Management. 2024; 35 (1): 53-70.


Pape L, Koenigstorfer J, Casper J: „Sport teams’ promotion of plant-based food consumption among fans“. Sport Management Review. 2023; 27(1), 150–174.


Koenigstorfer J: „Human rights issues in host countries of the Olympic Games and resulting differences in consumer evaluations“. European Sport Management Quarlerly. 2023; 23 (1): 295-314.


Yang Y, Koenigstorfer J: „Determinants of physical activity maintenance during the Covid-19 pandemic: A focus on fitness apps“. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2020; 10 (4), 835-842.


Koenigstorfer J, Baumgartner H: „The effect of fitness branding on restrained eaters’ food consumption and postconsumption physical activity“. Journal of Marketing Research. 2016; 53 (1): 124-138.


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