Prof. Luisa Menapace, Ph.D.
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Menapace’s research focuses on the structure, functioning, and role of markets and organizations in agribusiness. Her research addresses issues related to product differentiation, product quality, and information with emphasis on the institutional aspects of consumer and competition policy, sustainability, intellectual property, and their implications for agribusiness governance. Her research incorporates insights from experimental and behavioral economics to explain consumers’ food purchase decisions and choices under risk and uncertainty.
Professor Menapace holds a Laurea degree in Agricultural Sciences (University of Padua, Italy), a Master degree in Agribusiness (Sacred Heart Catholic University, Italy), and a PhD in Economics (Iowa State University, USA). After completing her PhD, she worked as a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Economics at the University of Trento, Italy (2010-2012), and as an assistant professor at the University of Bonn, Germany (2012-2013). In August 2013, she was appointed to the newly created chair in Governance in International Agribusiness at TUM.
Key Publications (all publications)
Rackl, J., & Menapace, L.: „Coordination in agri-food supply chains: the role of geographical indication certification”. International Journal of Production Economics. 2024; 280: 109494.
AbstractMenapace, L., & Moschini, G.: „The Economics of Geographical Indications: An Update”. Annual Review of Resource Economics. 2024; 16: 83-104.
AbstractFezzi, C., Menapace, L., & Raffaelli, R.: „Estimating risk preferences integrating insurance choices with subjective beliefs”. European Economic Review. 2021; 135: 103717.
AbstractMenapace, L., & Raffaelli, R.: „Unraveling hypothetical bias in discrete choice experiments”. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2020; 176: 416-430.
AbstractOla, O., & Menapace, L.: „A meta-analysis understanding smallholder entry into high-value markets”. World Development. 2020; 135: 105079.
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