Prof. Dr. Roland Pail
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research activities of Professor Pail (b. 1972) focus on physical and numerical geodesy with the main emphasis on the global and regional modeling of the earth’s gravity field and gravity data from satellites. Models of the earth’s gravity field play a decisive role in the definition of elevation systems and make significant contributions to the monitoring of climate-relevant mass transport processes, such as ocean circulation, rising sea levels and the melting of ice masses, and to the geophysical modeling of the earth’s core. He is deeply involved in the design and implementation of next-generation gravity field missions.
After studying geophysics at the University of Vienna, Professor Pail received his doctorate in engineering sciences (sub auspiciis praesidentis) from TU Graz in 1999. Subsequently he was an assistant professor at TU Graz until 2009. In 2010 he was appointed to the Chair of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy at TUM. Professor Pail was President of the IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Commission 2 “Gravity Field” from 2015-19. He is currently speaker of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2698 “UPLIFT”, member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a member of several national and international committees.
- Fellow of International Association of Geodesy (2011)
- Young Authors Award 2005 of International Association of Geodesy (2006)
- Allmer-Löschner Award of Austrian Geodetic Commission (2000)
- Josef-Krainer Promotion Award (2000)
- Promotion „sub auspiciis praesidentis“ (1999)
Key Publications (all publications)
Heller-Kaikov B, Pail R, Daras I: "Mission design aspects for the mass change and geoscience international constellation (MAGIC)". Geophysical Journal International. 2023; 235(1): 718-735.
AbstractPail R, Bingham R, Braitenberg C, Dobslaw H, Eicker A, Güntner A, Horwath M, Ivins E, Longuevergne L, Panet I, Wouters B. “Science and User Needs for Observing Global Mass Transport to Understand Global Change and to Benefit Society”. Surveys in Geophysics; 36(6): 743-772.
AbstractPail R, Bruinsma S, Migliaccio F, Förste C, Goiginger H, Schuh W.-D, Höck E, Reguzzoni M, Brockmann JM, Abrikosov O, Veicherts M, Fecher T, Mayrhofer R, Krasbutter I, Sansó F, Tscherning CC. “First GOCE gravity field models derived by three different approaches.” Journal of Geodesy; 85(11): 819-843.
AbstractPail R, Fecher T, Barnes D, Factor JF, Holmes SA, Gruber T, Zingerle P: “Short note: the experimental geopotential model XGM2016”. Journal of Geodesy. 2018; 92(4): 443–451.
AbstractTorge W, Müller J, Pail R. „Geodesy.” 5th edition, De Gruyter. 2023.
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