Prof. Dr. Orestis Papakyriakopoulos
Academic Career and Research Areas
Orestis Papakyriakopoulos' research provides ideas, frameworks, and practical solutions towards just, inclusive and participatory socio-algorithmic ecosystems. He builds tools and performs foundational research on platforms and artificial intelligence. Orestis analyzes new and old media by the application of data-intensive algorithms, as well as the political and social impact of the use of data-intensive algorithms themselves.
Orestis studied civil engineering (Dipl. Ing.) at the National Technical University of Athens and Philosophy of Science and Technology (M.A.) at TUM, institution where he also obtained his PhD in Computer Science. He was visiting scholar at the MIT Media Lab and conducted his Postdoc at Princeton University. He also worked as an AI Research Scientist at Sony. Since 2024 Orestis is Professor of Societal Computing at the School of Social Science and Technology at the Technical University of Munich.
Key Publications (all publications)
Papakyriakopoulos, Orestis, Simon Hegelich, Juan Carlos Medina Serrano, and Fabienne Marco. "Bias in word embeddings." In Proceedings of the 2020 conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency, pp. 446-457. 2020.
AbstractAndrews, Jerone, Dora Zhao, William Thong, Apostolos Modas, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos, and Alice Xiang. "Ethical Considerations for Responsible Data Curation." In Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track. 2023.
AbstractPapakyriakopoulos, Orestis, Juan Carlos Medina Serrano, and Simon Hegelich. "Political communication on social media: A tale of hyperactive users and bias in recommender systems." Online Social Networks and Media 15 (2020): 100058.
AbstractPapakyriakopoulos, O., & Zuckerman, E. (2021, May). The media during the rise of trump: Identity politics, immigration," Mexican" demonization and hate-crime. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (Vol. 15, pp. 467-478).
AbstractMedina Serrano, Juan Carlos, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos, and Simon Hegelich. "Dancing to the partisan beat: A first analysis of political communication on TikTok." In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 257-266. 2020.
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