Prof. Dr. Carsten B. Schmidt-Weber
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Schmidt-Weber has been the director of the Center for Allergy and Environment (ZAUM) since 2010 and leads the virtual Munich Allergy Research Center (MARC). ZAUM is funded equally by TUM and the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft München – a unique arrangement in the field of research.
Professor Schmidt-Weber studied biochemistry and immunology in Darmstadt and Erlangen. He then went to Harvard Medical School in Boston and worked at the Schweizerische Institut für Allergie und Asthma in Davos where he carried out the thesis research for his postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation). From October 2007 to March 2010 he worked and conducted research at Imperial College in London. Since 2010 he has been professor of the newly founded Chair of Molecular Allergology at TUM. He is the secretary of the immunology section of the European Academy for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), a member of the Collegium International Allergologicum and the German Society for Immunology (DGFI). He has published over 50 original works as well as much-quoted review and book articles in presitigous professional journals.
Key Publications (all publications)
Dumitru AF, Shamji M, Wagenmann M, Hindersin S, Scheckenbach K, Greve J, Klenzner T, Hess L, Nebel S, Zimmermann C, Zahner C, Schmidt-Weber CB, Chaker AM: „Petasol butenoate complex (Ze 339) relieves allergic rhinitis-induced nasal obstruction more effectively than desloratadine“. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011; Apr 11.
AbstractGilles S, Fekete A, Zhang X, Beck I, Blume C, Ring J, Schmidt-Weber C, Behrendt H, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Traidl-Hoffmann C: “Pollen metabolome analysis reveals adenosine as a major regulator of dendritic cell-primed T(H) cell responses”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011; 127(2): 454-61 e1-9.
AbstractMantel PY, Schmidt-Weber CB: “Transforming growth factor-beta: recent advances on its role in immune tolerance”. Methods Mol Biol. 2011; 677: 303-38.
AbstractEyerich S, Eyerich K, Pennino D, Carbone T, Nasorri F, Pallotta S, Cianfarani F, Odorisio T, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Behrendt H, Durham SR, Schmidt-Weber CB, Cavani A: “Th22 cells represent a distinct human T cell subset involved in epidermal immunity and remodeling." J Clin Invest. 2009 Dec; 119(12): 3573-85.
AbstractMantel PY, Kuipers H, Boyman O, Rhyner C, Ouaked N, Ruckert B, Karagiannidis C, Lambrecht BN, Hendriks RW, Crameri R, Akdis CA, Blaser K, Schmidt-Weber CB: “GATA3-driven Th2 responses inhibit TGF-beta1-induced FOXP3 expression and the formation of regulatory T cells”. PLoS Biol. 2007 Dec; 5(12): e329.
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