Prof. Dr. Benedikt Schnurr
Academic Career and Research Areas
In his research, Professor Schnurr studies new market phenomena, the relationship between socio-economic inequalities and consumption, and sustainable consumer behavior. His research has been published in reputable academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Professor Benedikt Schnurr has represented the professorship for marketing at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) since 2021. Before that, he studied business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. He completed his doctorate in 2014 at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck and moved to the Technical University of Munich (TUM) as a research assistant in 2018.
Key Publications
Schnurr, Benedikt and Georgios Halkias (2022). Made by her vs. him: Gender influences in product preferences and the role of individual action efficacy in restoring social equalities. Journal of Consumer Psychology. Advance online publication.
AbstractSchnurr, Benedikt, Christoph Fuchs, Elisa Maira, Stefano Puntoni, Martin Schreier, and Stijn van Osselaer (2022). Sales and self: The noneconomic value of selling the fruits of one’s labor. Journal of Marketing, 86(3), 40–58.
AbstractSchnurr, Benedikt and Christoph Fuchs. Public reactions to instances of workplace gender discrimination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Advance online publication.
AbstractSchroll, Roland, Benedikt Schnurr, and Dhruv Grewal (2018). Humanizing products with handwritten typefaces. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(3), 648-672.
AbstractSchnurr, Benedikt, Alexandra Brunner-Sperdin, and Nicola E. Stokburger-Sauer (2017). The effect of context attractiveness on product attractiveness and product quality: The moderating role of product familiarity. Marketing Letters, 28(2), 241-253.
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