Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann

Contact Details

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Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Schöbel (b. 1967) researches and teaches the conceptual design of open space and landscape as a scientific method ("research by design"). His research focuses on urban and regional open space structures as well as new rural cultural and energy landscapes.

After studying landscape planning at the TU Berlin, Prof. Schöbel worked freelance in design planning, project development and object planning. As a research assistant at the TU Berlin, he earned his doctorate with Prof. Jürgen Wenzel for his work on Qualitative Open Space Planning. In 2005, he was appointed to the position of associate professor at TUM. Prof. Schöbel is a registered landscape architect, member of the Scientific Board of Trustees of the Bavarian Academy for Rural Space, the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning DASL and the Wind Research Network South WindForS.

Schöbel S, Hübner G, Leschinger V, Barthel P, Schmölz M et al.: Aktive Bürgerexpert:innen in Klimaschutz und Energiewende (Aktiv BüKE). Bürgerexpert:innen und Partizipation – generationenübergreifende Verantwortung im Klimaschutz und Gestaltung von Erneuerbaren Energien in der Landschaft.. Forschungsbericht. Freising / Hamburg / Berlin, September 2022.


Schöbel S,  Schäfer J, Hausladen G: Research Through Design under Systematic Quality Criteria. Methodology and teaching research. In: Graff U, Ludwig F, Voigt K. (Ed.) Research Perspectives in Architecture. Dimensions of Architectural Knowledge, 2021-01.


Schöbel S: „Morphologie und Typologie in der Landschaftsarchitektur auf regionaler Maßstabsebene / Morphology and typology in landscape architecture on the regional scale.“ In: Gerber A, Iseli R, Kurath S. (Hg.) Ist dies wirklich lange her? Morphologie und Typologie im Feld zeitgenössischer Stadtlandschaften. Institut Urban Landscape, ZHAW Winterthur, 2020. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.


Schöbel S: „Bausteine eines neuen Landschaftsvertrags“. In: Landschaftsvertrag. Zur kritischen Rekonstruktion der Kulturlandschaft. Editor: Schöbel S. Berlin: jovis, 2017.


Stremke S, Schoebel S: Research through design for energy transition: two case studies in Germany and The Netherlands. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, Vol. 8 Issue: 1, pp.16-33. – selected as an Outstanding Paper in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards.


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