Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Schulz is a Full Professor and Chair for Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems at the Technische Universität München (TUM), which he joined in 2017, as well as a member of the board of directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. Prior to that, he held positions at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Cornell University. He earned his Doctorate in Computer Science in 2001 from TUM and a Master of Science in Computer Science from UIUC.
His research interests include parallel and distributed architectures and applications; performance monitoring, modeling and analysis; memory system optimization; parallel programming paradigms; tool support for parallel programming; power-aware parallel computing; and fault tolerance at the application and system level, as well as quantum computing and quantum computing architectures and programming, with a special focus on HPC and QC integration. Prof. Schulz has published over 250 peer-reviewed papers and currently serves as the chair of the MPI Forum, the standardization body for the Message Passing Interface, one of the dominating standard in High-Performance Computing. He was a recipient of the IEEE/ACM Gordon Bell Award in 2006 and an R&D 100 award in 2011. He served on many conference and workshop organizing and program committees, including as program chair for ISC 2021, PC area chair at IPDPS 2021, PC area chair for SC22 and general chair of EuroMPI 2021.
- Best Paper Award, Software Track, IPDPS (2013)
- R&D 100 Award for STAT, the Stack Trace Analysis Tool (2011)
- ACM Service Award (2009)
- Best Paper Award, Software Track, IPDPS (2007)
- Gordon Bell Award (2006)
Key Publications (all publications)
Sakamoto R, Patki T, Cao T, Kondo M, Inoue K, Ueda M, Ellsworth D, Rountree B, Schulz M: "Analyzing Resource Trade-offs in Hardware-overprovisioned Supercomputers". 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Vancouver. 21.05.-25.05.2018.
AbstractBöhme D, Gamblin T, Beckingsale D, Bremer P, Giménez A, LeGendre MP, Pearce O, Schulz M: "Caliper: performance introspection for HPC software stacks". SC '16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. Salt Lake City, USA. 13.11-18.11.2016.
AbstractGopalakrishnan G, Kirby RM, Siegel S, Thakur R, Gropp W, Lusk E, De Supinski BR, Schulz M, Bronevetsky G: "Formal Analysis of MPI-based Parallel Programs". Communications of the ACM. 2011; 54(12):82-91.
AbstractRountree B, Lowenthal DK, de Supinski BR, Schulz M, Freeh VW, Bletsch T: "Adagio: Making DVS Practical for Complex HPC Applications". Proceedings of the 23rd international Conference on Supercomputing (ICS). Yorktown Heights, USA. 18.06-12.06.2009: 460-469.
AbstractSchulz M, Galarowicz J, Maghrak D, Hachfeld W, Montoya D, Cranford S: "Open|SpeedShop: An Open Source Infrastructure for Parallel Performance Analysis." Scientific Programming. 2008; 16 (2-3): 105-121.
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