Prof. Dr. Tina Seidel
Academic Career and Research Areas
Tina Seidel’s research interests are focused on teaching and teacher research. She currently holds the Chair for Teaching and Learning Research at the TUM School of Education, and has established a Teacher Research & Training Simulation Center at her department. A series of research projects is currently being conducted at this Center, with funding from (among others) the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Professor Seidel studied psychology at the University of Regensburg and Vanderbilt University. She obtained her doctorate from the the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education at the University of Kiel (IPN) in 2002 and was subsequently appointed Junior Professor for Teaching Research at the same in 2003. Before taking on her current professorship at TUM, she was a Visiting Professor at Stanford University (2005-2006) and held the Chair of Educational Psychology at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (2007-2009). Professor Seidel is a member of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction and of the American Educational Research Association. Since 2015, she has also been a member of “Aktionsrat Bildung”, an expert panel which was established at the initiative of the Bavarian Industry Association (vbw).
- Review of Research Award of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (2008)
- Young Researcher Award of the Jacobs Foundation (2005)
- Young Researcher Award of the Division of Educational Psychology of the German Psychological Society (2003)
- Training grant of the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) in the BMBF program "Anstoß zum Aufstieg" (2003)
Key Publications
Chernikova O, Heitzmann N, Stadler M, Holzberger D, Seidel T, Fischer F. "Simulation-Based Learning in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis". Review of Educational Research. 2020; 90(4): 499-541.
AbstractSeidel T, Schnitzler K, Kosel C, Stürmer K, Holzberger D: "Student Characteristics in the Eyes of Teachers: Differences Between Novice and Expert Teachers in Judgment Accuracy, Observed Behavioral Cues, and Gaze". Educ Psychol Rev. 2020.
AbstractSeidel T, Blomberg G, Renkl A: "Instructional strategies for using video in teacher education". Teaching and Teacher Education. 2013; 34: 56-65.
AbstractFurtak EM, Seidel T, Iverson H, Briggs D: "Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Studies of Inquiry-Based Science Teaching: A Meta-Analysis". Review of Educational Research. 2012; 82(3), 300-329.
AbstractSeidel T, Shavelson RJ: “Teaching effectiveness research in the last decade: Role of theory and research design in disentangling meta-analysis results”. Review of Educational Research. 2007; 77(4), 454-499.