Prof. Dr. Yannis Theocharis


Digital Governance

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Theocharis' (*1982) field of research is political behavior with a focus on how digital media impact political participation, communication, governance, and uncivil behavior in online spaces. His work deploys survey, experimental and computational methods to understand how social media changes the political information environment, empowers users by enabling new forms of political participation, but also demobilizes, marginalizes and polarize the public. 

Prof. Theocharis studied Sociology at the University of Crete, New Media at the London School of Economics (LSE), and received his PhD in Political Science from University College London (UCL). Prior to his appointment as Chair for Digital Governance at TUM (2020), he was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and Research Fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen, and Professor of Communication and Media with focus on Innovative Methods at the University of Bremen.


  • International Communication Association Political Communication Top Paper Award (2021)
  • American Political Science Association Best Information Technology & Politics Conference Paper Award (2016)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship (2011)

Kosmidis, Spyros & Theocharis, Yannis: "Can Social Media Incivility Induce Enthusiasm? Evidence from Survey Experiments". Public Opinion Quarterly. 2020; 84 (S1): 284–308.


Theocharis, Yannis & van Deth, Jan W.: "Political Participation in a Changing World: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges in the Study of Citizen Engagement". New York: Routledge, 2018.


Tucker, Joshua, A.,Theocharis, Yannis., Roberts, Margaret. & Barberá, Pablo.: "From Liberation to Turmoil: Social Media and Democracy". Journal of Democracy. 2017; 28 (4): 46-59.


Theocharis, Yannis, Barberá, Pablo, Fazekas, Zoltan, Popa, Sebastian A. & Parnet, Olivier: "A Bad Workman Blames His Tweets: The Consequences of Citizens’ Uncivil Twitter Use when Interacting with Party Candidates". Journal of Communication. 2016; 66 (6): 879–1060.


Theocharis, Yannis: "The Conceptualization of Digitally Networked Participation". Social Media + Society. 2015; 1(2).


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