Prof. Dr. Andreas Vorholzer
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research area of Prof. Vorholzer (*1987) is the teaching and learning of physics in schools and universities. One focus within this research area is the modelling, measurement, and fostering of competencies related to scientific practices as well as their development. Another focus is the self-regulated learning of physics subject matter with digital media.
Prof. Vorholzer studied mathematics and physics education for the gymnasial level. After graduating in 2012, he began his doctoral studies at the Institute for Physics Education at the Justus Liebig University Gießen. He recieved his Dr. rer. nat. in 2015 and continued working as a post-doctoral research at the JLU. In 2017, he was appointed as Juniorprofessor for Physics Education at the JLU. 2021, Prof. Vorholzer was appointed to the professorship for Physics Education at TUM.
Key Publications (all publications)
Vorholzer A, Aufschnaiter C v, & Kirschner S: Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Tests zur Erfassung des Verständnisses experimenteller Denk- und Arbeitsweisen. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften. 2016; 22 (1): 25-41.
AbstractVorholzer A & Aufschnaiter C v: Guidance in inquiry-based instruction – An attempt to disentangle a manifold construct. International Journal of Science Education. 2019. 41 (11): 1562–1577.
AbstractVorholzer A & Aufschnaiter C v: Dimensionen und Ausprägungen fachinhaltlicher Kompetenz in den Naturwissenschaften – ein Systematisierungsversuch. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften. 2020; 26: 1–18.
AbstractVorholzer A, Aufschnaiter C v, & Boone W J: Fostering upper secondary students’ ability to engage in practices of scientific investigation: A comparative analysis of an explicit and an implicit instructional approach. Research in Science Education. 2020; 50: 333-359.
AbstractVorholzer A, Hägele J & Aufschnaiter C v: Instruktionen kohärent anlegen und Kompetenzaufbau untersuchen: Zugänge und Herausforderungen am Beispiel experimentbezogener Kompetenz. Unterrichtswissenschaft. 2020; 48: 61–89.