Prof. Dr. Eva Weig
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research of Prof. focusses on nanomechanical systems. These freely suspended, top-down fabricated nanostructures vibrate much like the strings of a guitar, and are primarily explored for applications in nano and quantum sensing. Both optical measurement techniques as well as microwave technology are employed. Further research topics are mechanical quality, nonlinear dynamics, coupling phenomena, and the dynamical backaction of electromagnetic fields in the classical as well as in the quantum mechanical regime.
Prof. Weig studied physics at LMU Munich and at the University of Oxford. After her doctorate at LMU, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) and a junior research group leader at LMU. In 2013, she was appointed a Full Professor at the University of Konstanz. In 2020, Prof. Weig joined TUM as a Full Professor, leading the Chair of Nano & Quantum Sensors. Since 2022 she is a Director of the TUM Center for QuantumEngineering (ZQE).
Key Publications (all publications)
Barzanjeh S, Xuereb A, Gröblacher S, Paternostro M, Regal CA, Weig EM, "Optomechanics for quantum technologies", Nature Physics 18, 15-24 (2022).
AbstractFaust T, Rieger J, Seitner MJ, Kotthaus JP, Weig EM, "Coherent control of a classical nanomechanical two-level system", Nature Physics 9, 485-488 (2013).
AbstractUnterreithmeier QP, Weig EM, Kotthaus JP, "Universal transduction scheme for nanomechanical systems based on dielectric forces", Nature 458, 1001-1004 (2009).
AbstractHofheinz M, WeigEM, Ansmann M, Bialczak RC, Lucero E, Neeley M, O’Connell AD, Wang H, Martinis JM, Cleland AN, "Generation of Fock states in a superconducting quantum circuit", Nature 454, 310-314 (2008).
AbstractWeig EM, Blick RH, Brandes T, Kirschbaum J, Wegscheider W, Bichler M, "Single-electron-phonon interaction in a suspended quantum dot phonon cavity", Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 046804 (2004).
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