Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Westermann (b. 1966) conducts research in the field of applied informatics in the areas of computer graphics, scientific visualization and real-time numerical simulation. The focus is on developing efficient algorithms for interactive data exploration and physical simulation in virtual environments and implementing them in multicore architectures. Key research contributions in recent years relate to volume visualization, multiscale simulation with finite elements, and hierarchical data representation.

After studying informatics at TU Darmstadt, he received his doctorate in 1996 under the supervision of Professor H. Müller. From 1992 to 1997 he was a scientific staff member at GMD in St. Augustin/Bonn. In 1998 he took up a postdoctoral position in a research group led by Professor T. Ertl at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg. After working as a research fellow at Caltech and the University of Utah, he assumed a C3 professorship at RWTH Aachen in 2001. He has held the Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization at TUM since 2003.

Fraedrich R, Schneider J, Westermann R: “Exploring the Millennium Run - Scalable Rendering of Large-Scale Cosmological Datasets”. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2010; 15(6): 1251-1258.


Dick C, Georgii J, Westermann R: “A Hexahedral Multigrid Approach for Simulating Cuts in Deformable Objects”. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2010; 18(7).


Dick C, Schneider J, Westermann R: “Efficient Geometry Compression for GPU-based Decoding in Realtime Terrain Rendering”. Computer Graphics Forum. 2009; 28(1).


Krüger J, Westermann R: “Acceleration Techniques for GPU-based Volume Rendering”. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization. 2003: 287-292.


Krüger J, Westermann R: “Linear Algebra Operators for GPU Implementation of Numerical Algorithms”. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH. 2003.


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