Prof. Dr. Eveline Wittmann
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Wittmann's research focuses on the areas of technology-supported modeling and measurement of vocational and professional action competence, educational concepts for the digital transformation of the world of work and professions, and digitization-related changes in vocational school centers.
Prof. Wittmann studied business education and educational management with a focus on economics, political science and contemporary history at the University of Mannheim. She received her doctorate and habilitation from Humboldt University in Berlin and worked at the DIPF (Leibniz Institute, German Institute for International Educational Research) from 2009 to 2011. From 2011, she was Professor of Business Education at the University of Bamberg and in 2015 followed an appointment to the Chair of Vocational Education at TUM. Further offers of appointment were made by the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Stuttgart. Among other positions, Prof. Wittmann was Visiting Professor at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Prof. Wittmann is a board member of the Section for Vocational and Business Education of the German Society for Educational Science.
Key Publications
Dormann, M, Hinz, S, Wittmann, E: “Improving school administration through information technology? How digitalisation changes the bureaucratic features of public school administration”. Educational Management Administration and Leadership. 2019; 47: 275-290.
AbstractWittmann, E.: “Systemic maladministration in the digital age. Serving the individual or bureaucracy in educational administration?”. In Samier, E.A. & Milley, P. (eds). International perspectives on maladministration in educational administration. London: Routledge. 2018; 63-74.
AbstractSeeber S, Wittmann E: “Social Competence Research – A Review”. In: Handbook: Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education. Editor: Mulder M, Winterton J. Dordrecht: Springer, 2017: 1029-1050.
AbstractKaspar R, Döring O, Wittmann E, Hartig J, Weyland U, Nauerth A, Möllers M, Rechenbach S, Simon J, Worofka I: „Competencies in geriatric nursing: empirical evidence from a computer based large scale assessment calibration study“. Vocations and Learning. 2016; 9: 185-206.
AbstractWittmann E, Weyland U, Kaspar R, Döring O, Hartig J, Nauerth A, Rechenbach S, Möllers, M, Simon J, Worofka I: „Betriebliche Ausbildungsmerkmale und berufsfachliche Handlungskompetenz in der Altenpflege”. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2015; 111: 359-378.
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