Former TUM Junior Fellows

  • Auwärter, Wilhelm - Nanoscale Control of Quantum Materials, Physics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow, Consolidator Grant)
  • Bassermann, Florian - Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Medicine (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Bilandzic, Ante – Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik, TUM School of Natural Sciences (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Birkenmeier. Gregor - Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, TUM School of Natuarl Sciences (Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups)
  • Böttcher, Jan P. – Institute of Molecular Immunology and Experimental Oncology, TUM School of Medicine and Health (Elite Network of Bavaria - International Junior Research Group)
  • Bruns, Oliver – Professorship of Biological Imaging, TUM School of Medicine (Helmholtz Pioneer Campus)
  • Bucher, Dominik – Chair of Physical Chemistry, Chemistry (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Castiglione, Kathrin - Institute for Biochemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (BMBF Research Group)
  • Colomé-Tatché, Maria – HelmholtzZentrum München, Institute of Computational Biology (Helmholtz Young Investigator Group)
  • Conradt, Jörg - Assistant Professorship of Neuroscientific System Theory, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Juniorprofessur)
  • Cyron, Christian - Institute for Computational Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Czopka, Tim – Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology, TUM School of Medicine (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Dai, Angela –  Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization, Informatics (ZD.B Junior Research Group) 
  • de Oliveira Mann, Carina – Institute of Virology, TUM School of Medicine (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Deng, Li - HelmholtzZentrum München, Institut for Virology (Helmholtz Young Investigator Group)
  • Deschler, Felix – Chair for Experimental Semiconductor Physics, Physics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Dietrich, Felix – Chair of Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Informatics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Dongheui, Lee - Electrical and Computer Engineering (Junior Professorship)Ebert, Oliver - II. Medical Clinic and Policlinic, Medicine (Max Eder Group)
  • Dorr, Michael - Institute of Human-Machine Communication, TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Elite Network Bavaria)
  • Dybalski, Wojciech – Asymptotic Completeness in Quantum Field Theory, Mathematics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Ebert, Oliver - II. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Medicine (Max Eder Group)
  • Quante, Michael - II. Medical Clinic and Policlinic, TUM School of Medicine (Max Eder Group)
  • Ellero, Marco - Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Engel, Benjamin –  Chair for Biomolecular NMR-Spectroscopy, Department of Chemistry (Helmholtz Pioneer Campus)
  • Esser-von-Bieren, Julia - HelmholtzZentrum München, TUM School of Medicine and Health (Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups)
  • Eyerich, Stefanie - Helmholtz Zentrum München, Institut für Allergieforschung (Helmholtz Young Investigator Group)
  • Falter-Braun, Pascal - Plant Systems Biology, TUM School of Life Sciences (BMBF Research Group)
  • Floßdorf, Michael – Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, Medicine (BMBF Research Group)
  • Forster-Heinlein, Brigitte, - Applied Mathematics, Mathematics (Junior Professorship)
  • Frederix, Rikkert - Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Group, Physics (Sofja Kovalevskaja Group)
  • Gerike, Regine - Chair of integrated transport planning and traffic engineering, TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering (Junior Professorship)
  • Glau, Kathrin - Mathematical Finance (Junior Professorship)
  • Glawischnig, Erich - Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan (Heisenberg Fellow)
  • Gorbahn, Martin - Fundamental Physics, Physics (Carl von Linde Junio Fellow)
  • Gravemeier, Volker - Institute for Computational Mechanics, TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering (Emmy Noether Group) 
  • Groß, Olaf - Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Medicine (BioSysNet Research Group)
  • Grothoff, Christian - Network Architectures and Services, Informatics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Gulder, Tanja - Organic Chemistry, Chemistry (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Günnemann, Stephan - Data Mining, Informatics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Hacker, Stephan - Chair for Organic Chemistry, Chemistry (Liebig Fellow)
  • Hartmann, Michael - Quantum Optics and Quantum Dynamics, Physics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Harz, Julia – Associate Professorship of Theoretische Physik des frühen Universums, TUM Department of Physics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Hasenauer, Jan - HelmholtzZentrum München, Institute of Computational Biology (Helmholtz Young Investigator Group)
  • Heinig, Matthias - HelmholtzZentrum München, Institute of Computational Biology (Helmholtz Young Investigator Group)
  • Hemmerle, Claudia – Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, TUM School of Engineering and Design (The Bavarian Climate Research Network (bayklif) - Junior Research Groups)
  • Hennecke, Stefanie - Chair for Analysis, Mathematics (Junior Professorship)
  • Hinkel, Rabea - Chair of Inner Medicine I, Medicine (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Hinz, Stefan – Automatic image understanding in high-resolution remote sensing data, Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering (Helmholtz Group)
  • Hof, Christian – Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, TUM School of Life Siences Weihenstephan (The Bavarian Climate Research Network)
  • Huber, Stefan - Organic Chemistry I, Chemistry (Liebig Fellow)
  • Jacob, Simon - Institute of Neuroscience, Medicine (BMBF Research Group) 
  • Jäggi, Adrian - Satellite Geodesy, Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Jirauschek, Christian - Nanoelectronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Jost, Philip J. - Mechanisms of Tumor Cell Survival, Medicine (Max Eder Group)
  • Karampinos, Dimitrios - Radiology, Medicine (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Kieslich, Gregor - Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, TUM Department of Chemistry (Liebig Fellow)
  • Kirsch, Alexandra - Cognitive Technology, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Kischke, Jan – Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Medicine (ERC Starting Grant (EU) )
  • Kleinsteuber, Martin - Geometric Optimization and Machine Learning, TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Junior Professor)
  • Kleppmann, Martin- Chair for Decentralised Systems Engineering, TUM School of Computation, Information, and Technology (Volkswagen Foundation – Freigeist Fellowship)
  • Kraus, Florian - Fluorine Chemistry, Chemistry (Heisenberg Fellow)
  • Kranz, Stefan - Associate Professorship of Bio-inspired Information Processing, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Junior Professorship)
  • Krumsiek, Jan - HelmholtzZentrum München, Institute of Computational Biology (Helmholtz Junior Research Group)
  • Kühnlenz, Kolja - Cognitive Technology, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Kuhn, Peer-Hendrik - Neuroprotheomics, Medicine (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Kunkel, Nathalie - Chair of Inorganic Chemistry with Focus on Novel Materials, TUM Department of Chemistry (Liebig Fellow)
  • Kunze-Liebhäuser, Julia - Molecular Aspects in Interface Science, Physics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Lämmle, Lena - Chair of Sport Psychology, Department of Sport and Health Sciences (Junior Professorship) 
  • Lange, Oliver - Computational Structural Biology, Chemistry (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Leal-Taixé, Laura - Computer Vision Group, Informatics (Sofja Kovalevskaja Group)
  • Li, Yongguo – Chair of Molecular Nutritional Medicine TUM School of Life Sciences (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Madl, Tobias - Biomolekulare NMR Spektroskopie (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Marin-Sanguino, Alberto - Systems Biotechnology, Mechanical Engineering (BMBF Research Group)
  • Mehl, Miriam - High-Performance Computing, Informatics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Meier, Matthias – Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, Chair of Beta Cell Biology, TUM School of Medicine (Helmholtz Young Investigator Group)
  • Morales, Vladimir García - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics at the Nanoscale, Physics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Moroz, Sergej – Theoretical Physics, Physics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Oberhofer, Harald – Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, Chemistry (Heisenberg Programme)
  • Ökten, Zeynep – Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, TUM Department of Physics (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Ott, Christian - DLR German Aerospace Center, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (Helmholtz Junior Research Group)
  • Pauling, Josch Konstantin- Experimental Bioinformatics, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) - Junior Research Groups)
  • Plant, Claudia - Helmholtz Zentrum München, Scientific Computing Research Unit (Helmholtz Junior Research Group)
  • Peer, Angelika - Automatic Control Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Popp, Alexander - Institute for Computational Mechanics (Center of Digitization - Young Research Group)
  • Punta, Marco - Computational Biology, Informatics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Ranf, Stefanie – Chair of Phytopathology, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Rant, Ulrich - Nano Photonics, Physics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Reinhard, Friedemann - Semiconductor Quantum Nanosystems, TUM Department of Physics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Reichert, Maximilian – II. Medical Clinic and Policlinic, TUM School of Medicine (Max-Eder Research Group)
  • Richter, Klaus – Biotechnologie, Chemistry ( Heisenberg Fellow)
  • Riedl, Valentin – Neuro-Kopf-Zentrum, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, TUM School of Medicine (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Sachenbacher, Martin - Image Understanding and Knowledge Based Systems,TUM Department of Informatics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Sager, Hendik – Cardiovascular Inflamation, TUM School of Medicine (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Scardovi, Luca - Chair of Automatic Control Engineering, TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Junior Professorship)
  • Schilling, Franz - Medicine. Combined biochemical and biophysical imaging biomarkers (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Schirmer, Melanie –ZIEL - Institute for Food & Health (Emmy Noether Group/ ERC Starting Grant)
  • Schmitzer, Bernhard – Mathematics. Chair of Applied numerical Analysis and Optimization and Data Analysis (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Schneider, Sabine - Biochemistry, Chemistry (Liebig Fellowship)
  • Schraml, Barbara - Dendritic cell ontogeny and function, Medicine (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Schuller, Björn - Machine Intelligence & Signal Processing Group, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Schumann, Jan Hendrik - Chair of Marketing, TUM School of Management (Junior Professorship)
  • Schütz, Anne – Chair for Biomolecular NMR Spetroscopy, TUM Department of Chemistry (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Seeber, Bernhard - Associate Professorship of Audio Information Processing, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Sharp, Ian D. - Functional Nanosystems, Physics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Seitz, Florian - Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering (Junior Professorship)
  • Simon, Axel - Sprachen und Beschreibungsstrukturen, Informatics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Stelzer, Robert - Risk Analysis and Stochastic Modeling, Mathematics (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Stemberger, Christian - Clinical Cell Processing and Purification, Medicine (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Storch, Golo - Organic Chemistry I, Chemistry (Liebeig Fellow)
  • Stumpf-Wollersheim, Jutta - Chair of Strategy and Organization, TUM School of Management (BMBF Research Group)
  • Tiefenbacher, Konrad - Organic Chemistry (Junior Professorship)
  • Thibeult, Pierre - Biomedical Physics, Physics (ERC Starting Grant)
  • Traube, Franziska – Chair of Organic Chemistry II, Chemistry (Liebeig Fellow)
  • Uhl, Matthias - Chair of Business Ethics, TUM School of Governance (Center Digitisation.Bavaria (ZD.B)
  • Ulmer, Marlin – Logistics and Supply Chain Management, TUM School of Management (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Ussar, Siegfried - HelmholtzZentrum München, TUM School of Medicine (Helmholtz Group)
  • Van Dyk, Danny – Chair of Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics, TUM Department of Physics (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Verhelst, Steven - Biopolymere Chemistry, Life Sciences Weihenstephan (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Vig, Eleonora – Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Informatics (Helmholtz Group)
  • von Figura, Guido – II. Medical Clinic and Policlinic, Medicine (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Winter, Jeannette - Biotechnologie, Chemistry (Emmy Noether Group)
  • Wollherr, Dirk - Cognitive Technology, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Carl von Linde Junior Fellow)
  • Zang, Christian  – Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions, TUM School of Life Siences (The Bavarian Climate Research Network (bayklif) - Junior Research Groups)
  • Zhu, Xiaoxiang - DLR German Aero Space Center, Remote Sensing Technology Institute (Helmholtz Group)