Prof. Amy Zhao-Ding, PhD

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Zhao-Ding (*1988) is a management scholar and her research focuses on understanding firm’s changing beliefs and strategic behaviors in new technologies and nascent markets. She studies how organizations formulate problems and interpret feedback under uncertainty and ambiguity, and how they learn from and adapt to their environments. She examines these questions in a wide range of digital, cultural, and knowledge-intensive industries, and approaches teaching and research in entrepreneurship through the lens of organization theory.

Prof. Zhao-Ding studied at Peking University in China for a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance and at Chinese University of Hong Kong for a master’s degree in Global Political Economy. She received her PhD in Management with a specialization in Entrepreneurship from INSEAD, and spent half a year at The Wharton School during her doctoral studies. Since 2020 Prof. Amy was appointed to the Assistant Professorship for Entrepreneurial Management at TUM.


  • SMS Annual Conference Competitive Strategy Interest Group Best Reviewer Award (2021)
  • Finalist, Kauffman Best Student Paper Awards in Entrepreneurial Cognition (2020)
  • Strategy Research Foundation (SRF) Dissertation Scholar Award (2018-2020)

Gaba V, Lee S, Meyer-Doyle P, Zhao-Ding A: "Prior Experience of Managers and Maladaptive Responses to Performance Feedback: Evidence from Mutual Funds". Organization Science. 2023; 34 (2): 894–915.


Jiang, W. Y., Zhao-Ding, A., & Qi, S. Breaking Free or Locking In: How Socially Disadvantaged Individuals Achieve or Reject an Aspired Identity in an Entrepreneurial Context. Academy of Management Journal. 2024.


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