Dr. Christina Holzapfel

Academic Career and Research Areas

Christina Holzapfel, PhD, studied nutritional sciences at the Technical University of Munich. Afterwards she completed her dissertation within the framework of an international weight loss study at the Institute of Nutritional Medicine at the University Hospital “Klinikum rechts der Isar”. In October 2010 she has taken over the position of the scientific manager of the German Competence Network Obesity which has been funded by the BMBF. Furthermore she was a postdoc at the Institute of Nutritional Medicine at the University Hospital.


The scientific focus of Christina Holzapfel, PhD, lies on the therapy of obesity, especially on the genetic factors. She investigates, whether and how the genetic background of a person influences body weight regulation as well as weight loss. Long-term aim of her research is to improve the therapy of obesity and to facilitate weight management by personalized approaches.


    • Oecotrophica Award 2012 (BerufsVerband Oecotrophologie e.V.; category: human nutrition; doctoral thesis)
    • Oecotrophica Award 2008 (BerufsVerband Oecotrophologie e.V.; category: human nutrition; master thesis)

    Reber J, Willershäuser M, Karlas A, Paul-Yuan K, Diot G, Franz D, Fromme T, Ovsepian SV, Bézière N, Dubikovskaya E, Karampinos DC, Holzapfel C, Hauner H, Klingenspor M, Ntziachristos V. Non-invasive Measurement of Brown Fat Metabolism Based on Optoacoustic Imaging of Hemoglobin Gradients. Cell Metab. 2018 27:689-701


    Holzapfel C, Merl M, Stecher L, Hauner H. One-year weight loss with a telephone-based lifestyle program. Obes Facts. 2016 9:230-240


    Holzapfel C, Cresswell L, Ahern AL, Fuller NR, Eberhard M, Stoll J, Mander AP, Jebb SA, Caterson ID, Hauner H. The challenge of a 2-year follow-up after intervention for weight loss in primary care. Int J Obes. 2014 38:806-811


    Jebb SA, Ahern AL, Olson AD, Aston LM, Holzapfel C, Stoll J, Amann-Gassner U, Simpson AE, Fuller NR, Pearson S, Lau NS, Mander AP, Hauner H, Caterson ID. Primary care referral to a commercial provider for weight loss treatment versus standard care: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2011 378:1485-1492


    Holzapfel C, Grallert H, Huth C, Wahl S, Fischer B, Döring A, Rücker IM, Hinney A, Hebebrand J, Wichmann HE, Hauner H, Illig T, Heid IM. Genes and lifestyle factors in obesity: results from 12 462 subjects from MONICA/KORA. Int J Obes. 2010 34:1538-1545


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