Academic Career and Research Areas

Dr. Buchholz investigates the regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of immunological memory to identify optimized vaccinological and immunotherapeutic approaches. In order to map the relevant processes in the greatest possible detail, Dr. Buchholz developed techniques that allow him to follow immune responses emerging from single T and NK cells in vivo. This approach enables precise insights into the stemness of certain immune cell types and their relevance for the durability of immunological memory.

Dr. Veit Buchholz studied medicine in Würzburg and Munich. During his studies he did immunological research in the laboratory of Professor Michel Nussenzweig at the Rockefeller University, New York. He completed his medical specialty training at the Institute for Medical Microbiology at TUM, where he investigated adaptive immune responses emerging from single T cells, as part of his doctorate under Professor Dirk Busch. Since 2017 he heads an independent research group, which is being funded since 2021 by an ERC Starting Grant.


    • Georges-Köhler Prize of the German Society for Immunology (2021)
    • Publication Prize of the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (2021)
    • ERC Starting Grant (2020)
    • Otto-Westphal Prize of the German Society for Immunology (2016)
    • Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation (2004 - 2008)

    Grassmann S, Mihatsch L, Mir J, Kazeroonian A, Rahimi R, Flommersfeld S, Schober K, Hensel I, Leube J, Pachmayr LO, Kretschmer L, Zhang Q, Jolly A, Chaudhry MZ, Schiemann M, Cicin-Sain L, Höfer T, Busch DH, Flossdorf M, Buchholz VR: “Early emergence of T central memory precursors programs clonal dominance during chronic viral infection”. Nat Immunol. 2020; 21(12): 1563-1573.


    Kretschmer L, Flossdorf M, Mir J, Cho YL, Plambeck M, Treise I, Toska A, Heinzel S, Schiemann M, Busch DH, Buchholz VR: “Differential expansion of T central memory precursor and effector subsets is regulated by division speed”. Nat Commun. 2020; 11(1): 113.


    Grassmann S, Pachmayr LO, Leube J, Mihatsch L, Andrae I, Flommersfeld S, Oduro J, Cicin-Sain L, Schiemann M, Flossdorf M, Buchholz VR: “Distinct Surface Expression of Activating Receptor Ly49H Drives Differential Expansion of NK Cell Clones upon Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection”. Immunity. 2019; 50(6): 1391-1400.e4.


    Graef P*, Buchholz VR*, Stemberger C, Flossdorf M, Henkel L, Schiemann M, Drexler I, Höfer T, Riddell SR, Busch DH: “Serial transfer of single-cell-derived immunocompetence reveals stemness of CD8(+) central memory T cells”. Immunity. 2014; 41(1): 116-26. (*equal contribution)


    Buchholz VR*, Flossdorf M*, Hensel I, Kretschmer L, Weissbrich B, Gräf P, Verschoor A, Schiemann M, Höfer T, Busch DH: “Disparate individual fates compose robust CD8+ T cell immunity”. Science. 2013; 340(6132): 630-5. (*equal contribution)


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